





得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Can racial discrimination be totally eliminated from society?

Racial discrimination is one of the most intractable problems for human beings all over the world. Although the efforts to eradicate various discriminations must be done, practically, I think that it would be impossible to root out racial discrimination completely from this world for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the economic disparity has been exacerbating racial discrimination. With rapid industrialization especially in Western countries, the inequality of financial environments between developed and developing countries has been widening. This situation has subliminally created deep-rooted hierarchical notions among different races, which has been a breeding place of racial discrimination.

Secondly, the difference in religious creeds also hampers achieving the eradication of racial discrimination. Religious teachings provide adherents of each religion with a strong ideology that cannot be explained by simple reasons. The difference in ideologies impedes mutual understanding and eventually leads to discontent with different races.

Finally, the trend to eradicate racial discrimination will recede when worldwide pandemics recur in the future. With spreading infections to COVID-19, racial discrimination against Asian people was seen in some places across the world when the virus started spreading in 2020. Unfortunately, similar things will happen in the next pandemic and racial discrimination will come out again.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, economic disparity, religious disputes, and infectious pandemics in the future, I think that racial discrimination will not be totally eliminated.











得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Do the benefits of the performance-based pay system outweigh its disadvantages?

In growing keen competition for business expansions, recently, increasing companies have adopted the performance-based pay system. However, I personally believe that the disadvantages of the performance-based pay system outweigh its benefits for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the performance-based pay system can disturb cooperative spirits among workers in companies. The inducement of incentive to their works will overly encourage workers to pursue their success as an individual. It undermines the solidarity of the organization and will impede development in the long run.

Secondly, the performance-based pay system carries a risk of degrading social stability. The gap in salaries will widen the economic disparity, which will engender dissatisfaction with society and threaten social stability in the tensions.

Finally, the performance-based pay system will hinder the economic growth of the country. The income of workers can fluctuate wildly by this system every month, and it will make people dissuade from consumption and investment. As a result, it will bring the economy of the country to a stagnant situation.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, disturbing the solidarity of the company, threatening social stability, and hampering economic growth, I think the shortcomings of the performance-based pay system outweigh its benefits.











得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Agree or disagree: The benefits of urbanization outweigh its disadvantages.

With rapid industrialization and economic development, urbanization has been one of the global trends and it seems to continue in the future. However, I personally think that the drawbacks of the urbanized society outweigh its benefits for the following three reasons.

Firstly, more than necessary urbanization leads to global environmental destruction. The constructions of business buildings, transportations, and traffic roads cause deforestation in developed areas. In addition, a huge amount of fuels and water supply are needed for the construction, which will lead to overusing of natural resources.

Secondly, excessive urbanization hinders the comfortable and healthy life of people. Rapid centralization of the population can cause terrible traffic congestion and air pollution. The stressful environment for living impedes people’s physical and mental health.

Finally, urbanization carries a risk of widening the economic disparity between urban and local areas. Urbanization will advance the centralization of job opportunities, which will degrade the salary level in local areas. The inequality of economic level will engender dissatisfaction with the society and threaten social stability.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, leading to environmental destruction, damages to human health, causing economic disparity, I think that urbanization’s drawbacks outweigh its benefits.





最後に、都市化は都市部と地方の経済格差を拡大させる危険性をはらんでいる。 都市化により、雇用機会の集中化が進み、地方の給与水準が低下する。経済レベルの不平等は、社会への不満を生み、社会の安定を脅かすことになる。






得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Is world peace a remote possibility?

World peace is one of the ideals that all human beings, even if unconsciously, desire and need.
However, I can not agree with the idea that world peace is achievable for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the desire for further developments and expansions of the economy undermines the precedence of world peace. The avarice seems to be hardwired to human nature, therefore human beings have repeated disputes historically. The unchangeable nature of human beings has made the possibility of world peace difficult.

Secondly, the differences in religious views impede peaceful coexistence. The religious creeds are too deep-rooted to each people and culture to compromise and solve problems with friendly dialogue. The gap of opinions and maxims eventually makes military conflicts unavoidable.

Finally, disgruntled feelings from poverty incite people to violent actions. With the rapid economic growth in developed countries, the gap of income between developing and developed countries’ people have been widening so far. The economic disparity and dissatisfaction with the situation actually motive destitute people to wage acts of terrorism.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, the greediness of human beings, differences in the religious brief, and economic inequality, I think that world peace is a remote possibility.





得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Is religion necessary for society?

Although some people claim that religion carries risks of engendering international conflicts caused by the difference of creeds, I personally believe that religion is necessary for human society for the following three reasons.

Firstly, religion can serve as an anchor to people. Human beings have taken the advantage of religion to endure difficulties and harsh reality by believing in the existence of Gods and phenomenal powers. Religion can alleviate misgivings to the status quo and to the future and contribute to people’s mental stability.

Secondly, religion can contribute to social cohesion and stability. For example, churches or temples are serving as a place to communicate and interact in each local community. In addition, the maxims provided by religious teaching have the power to direct people to moral actions, which will lead to social stability.

Finally, religion encourages cultural developments and enriches human society. Many heritages around the world are inspired by the religious views of the world. Religious mystic views greatly influence cultural contents such as music and paintings, which can enrich the human culture.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, its contribution to people’s stable mental state, to social cohesion and stability, and to cultural development, I think that religion has been playing an important role in human society.











得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Is Japan making enough efforts to achieve gender equality?

Nowadays, there is growing attention to achieving gender equality across the world. However, I disagree with the idea that Japan is making efforts to achieve gender equality for the following three reasons.

Firstly, average female workers’ salaries in Japan are less than those of average male workers’. Many female workers choose to work part-time to manage housework or childcare. However, the salary level of part-time jobs is considerably low in Japan, which impedes an increase in average female workers’ salaries.

Secondly, Women in management-level positions account for only about 10% of all workers at large companies. Many Japanese companies are still reluctant to hire female managers and it hinders the establishment of hopeful images of female social positions.

Finally, males’ domestic supports are still not solid in Japanese society. Only 2% of male workers in Japan take paternity leave, while about 80% of women take maternity leave. The strongly rooted stereotype that females should do domestic tasks still exists in this country and the government has not yet taken efficient measures to ameliorate it.

In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, low average female workers’ salaries, few female management-level workers, and reluctant social atmosphere to take paternity leaves, I think that Japan is not making efforts to achieve gender equality yet.












得点もそれぞれ英作文が745/850で9割近い点数が獲れ, 面接は615/850と合格ギリギリの水準ですが、2分スピーチセクションであまりの緊張から10秒近く言葉が出てこなかった所から原稿の内容を駆使した決死の、華麗なる逆転劇があってのものですので、内容としてはまあ悪くない水準にあると思います。




Agree or disagree: The benefits of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages.


With the rapid development of IT technology, some people concern the increasing flood of inappropriate and harmful information because of the Internet. However, I agree with the idea that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages for the following three reasons.

Firstly, a huge amount of information provided by the Internet contributes to further innovative development. There is state-of-the-art information about any genre and field on the Internet, and people can easily share their ideas and opinions on websites, e-mail, or SNS services. They will encourage people to come up with ingenious ideas, which will lead to further innovation.

Secondly, the Internet contributes greatly to economic growth. Nowadays, we can buy what we need on the spot through online shops such as Amazon. The development of video meeting tools such as Zoom has encouraged to increase occasions of the business conference not only with far domestic but also with overseas companies. The internet stimulates customers’ consumption and business opportunities.

Finally, the Internet protects the right to know which is one of the fundamental human rights in democratic societies. The bias of media coverage carries a risk of manipulating public opinions. The free access to the wide-ranged and various information through the Internet can alleviate the risk and guarantee the right to know for public people.

In conclusion, I think that the benefits of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages for these three reasons.




