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Is world peace a remote possibility?

World peace is one of the ideals that all human beings, even if unconsciously, desire and need.
However, I can not agree with the idea that world peace is achievable for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the desire for further developments and expansions of the economy undermines the precedence of world peace. The avarice seems to be hardwired to human nature, therefore human beings have repeated disputes historically. The unchangeable nature of human beings has made the possibility of world peace difficult.

Secondly, the differences in religious views impede peaceful coexistence. The religious creeds are too deep-rooted to each people and culture to compromise and solve problems with friendly dialogue. The gap of opinions and maxims eventually makes military conflicts unavoidable.

Finally, disgruntled feelings from poverty incite people to violent actions. With the rapid economic growth in developed countries, the gap of income between developing and developed countries’ people have been widening so far. The economic disparity and dissatisfaction with the situation actually motive destitute people to wage acts of terrorism.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, the greediness of human beings, differences in the religious brief, and economic inequality, I think that world peace is a remote possibility.