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Has the quality of journalism declined in the digital age?

With the evolution of digital technology, the nature of media and journalism is changing. With the advent of Internet platforms, a wider range of information is now being disseminated, however, I think that the change with digital technologies brought the decline in the quality of journalism for the following three reasons.

Firstly, the rapid pace of news reporting has led to a decline in the quality of journalism. The increasing number of news platforms has generated competition to report news quickly. It has been taking away time to appropriately fact-check, which is one of the factors of a decline in the quality of news.

Secondly, the anonymity of the Internet is also a factor in the declining quality of journalism. There are many self-proclaimed news writers who continue to irresponsibly spread uncertain information, believing that their anonymity means that they are not responsible for the information they send out.

Finally, in the first place, the ease of delivering news via the Internet is a major factor in the decline in the quality of journalism. The increase in the number of news dissemination by amateurs has led to an inevitable decline in the quality of journalism as a whole.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, the rapid pace of news reporting, the anonymity of the Internet, and the news reporting by amateurs, I think that the quality of journalism declined in the digital age