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Should life-prolonging treatment be encouraged?

With the rapid and dramatic development of medical technology, the technology related to life-prolonging treatment has been advancing. Although many people think that an advance in life-prolonging technology benefits human society, I think that life-prolonging treatment should not be the standard of medicine for the following three reasons.

Firstly, an increase in the population that lives on life-prolonged treatment will cause financial damage to the government. It will lead to a rise in the medical expenses of the country, which will be a financial burden.

Secondly, the life-prolonging treatment might sometimes infringe on people’s freedom of choice. Some patients might not desire to elongate their lives with the limitation of senile physical functions or under the pain of diseases. The choice of life-prolonging should not be that of all people.

Finally, the life-prolonging treatment carries a risk of exacerbating labor shortages in nursing-care workers. An increase in patients that need nursing care by life-prolonging treatment will add up the further burden to the nursing-care industry, which is known for the harsh working environment. Without improving the situation, life-prolonging treatment will never bring good effects to society.

In conclusion, for these three reasons, the financial burden of the government, freedom of choice of own lives, and yet unresolved problems in the working environment in the nursing-care industry, I believe that we should not encourage life-prolonged treatment at least in these circumstances.